Palaeos Palaeos Metazoa
Metazoa References


Invertebrate References



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Bivalvia Dendrogram.  

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Ecdysozoa, Spiralia,Protostomia.  

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Hox Genes

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Hox Genes 

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Sponge Spicules.

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DeuterostomiaHox Genes

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Bilateria, Hox Genes


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Basommatophora,Bivalvia, Gastropoda,Metazoa, Monoplacophora,Patellogastropoda, Polyplacophora,Pulmonata, Scaphopoda,Solenogastres,Stylommatophora, Systellommatophora.  

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Glossary, Porifera.

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Hox Genes

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Archaeocyatha, Demospongiae, Glossary, Irregulares,Stromatoporoidea

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Demospongiae, Hexactinellida, Porifera,Porifera Dendrogram.

Bottjer DJ, JW Hagadorn & SQ Dornbos (2000), The Cambrian substrate revolution. GSA Today 9: 2-6

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Demospongiae, Glossary, Homoscleromorpha, Porifera

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Bilateria, Hox Genes

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Hox Genes

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Hox Genes

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Hox Genes.

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Hox Genes

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Classification, Platyzoa

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Basommatophora,Pulmonata, Stylommatophora,Systellommatophora.   

Chen, J-Y, DJ Bottjer, P Oliveri, SQ Dornbos, F Gao, S Ruffins, H-M Chi, C-W Li & EH Davidson (2004), Small bilaterian fossils from 40 to 55 million years before the Cambrian. Science 305: 218-222.
Hox Genes

Chen, J-Y, P Oliveri, EH Davidson & DJ Bottjer (2004), Response to comment on "Small bilaterian fossils from 40 to 55 million years before the Cambrian". Science 306: 1291b.
Hox Genes

Chiu, C-H, K Dewar, GP Wagner, K Takahashi, F Ruddle, C Ledje, P Bartsch, J-L Scemama, E Stellwag, C Fried, SJ Prohaska, PF Stadler, & CT Amemiya (2004), Bichir HoxA cluster sequence reveals surprising trends in ray-finned fish genomic evolutionGenome Res. 14: 11-17.
Hox Genes.

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Archaeocyatha, Stromatoporoidea.. 

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Gastropod Systematics.  

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Ecdysozoa,Spiralia, Radiata.

Cook, CE, E Jiménez, M Akam & Emili Saló (2004), The Hox gene complement of acoel flatworms, a basal bilaterian cladeEvol. Devel. 6: 154-163.  
Bilateria, Hox Genes.  

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Hox Genes

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Hox Genes

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Hox Genes

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Hox Genes.  

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Hox Genes

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Hox Genes

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Ascocerida,Barrandeocerina,Discosorida,Ellesmerocerida,Nautilida, Oncocerida,Orthocerida,Plectronocerida,Tarphycerida, Tarphycerina.  

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Demospongiae, Homoscleromorpha

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Hox Genes

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Actinocerida,Ascocerida, Barrandeocerina,Discosorida, Ellesmerocerida,Endocerida, Nautilida,Oncocerida, Orthocerida,Pseudorthocerida,Tarphycerina.  

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Mollusca Shell Morphology.  


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Hox Genes

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Bilateria, Hox Genes.  

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Hox Genes

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Bivalvia Dendrogram.  

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Deuterostomia, Spiralia,Protostomia.  

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Bellerophontida,"Bellerophontiforms",Eogastropoda,Patellogastropoda, Tropodiscidae.  

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Eogastropoda,Gastropod Systematics, Orthogastropoda.   

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Molluscan Phylogeny.  

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Porifera Dendrogram,Stromatoporoidea

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Bellerophontida,"Bellerophontiforms",Coreospiridae,Eogastropoda,Euomphalida, Gastropoda,Gastropod Systematics, Helcionellidae,Macluritoidea,Mimospirida,Omphalocirridae,Paragastropoda,Patellogastropoda, Sinuopeidae,Tropodiscidae.   

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Irregulares, Stromatoporoidea..  

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Demospongiae, Glossary

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Glossary, Homoscleromorpha, Irregulares

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Demospongiae, ,Homoscleromorpha,Glossary.

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Glossary, Porifera Notes.

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Porifera Notes

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Hox Genes.

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Demospongiae, Hexactinellida.

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Hox Genes

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Molluscan Phylogeny.  

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Hox Genes

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Hox Genes

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Archaeocyatha,Ascocerida,Bactritida, Barrandeocerina,Bellerophontida,"Bellerophontiforms",Bivalvia,Bivalvia Gills, Bivalvia Shell, Cephalopoda Glossary, Ellesmerocerida,Endocerida, Eogastropoda,Euomphalida, Macluritoidea,Oncocerida,Paterinida,Sinuopeidae,Stylommatophora, Tarphycerina.  

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Archaeocyatha, Demspongiae,Hexactinellida, Porifera

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Hox Genes

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Homoscleromorpha, Porifera


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Cephalopod Brain.   

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Bilateria, Hox Genes.  

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Demospongiae, Porifera Notes.

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Hox Genes

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"Bellerophontiforms",Helcioelloida,Helcionelloida Dendrogram, Molluscan Phylogeny,Monoplacophora,Rostroconchia,Stenothecidae,TergomyaYochelcionellidae.  

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Deuterostomia,Bilateria, Ecdysozoa,Spiralia, Protostomia.  

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Hox Genes

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Hox Genes

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Helcionelloida Dendrogram, Rostroconchia.  

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Bivalvia Gills.

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Euomphalida,Gastropod Systematics.   

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Mollusca Shell Morphology.  

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Mollusca Shell Morphology.  

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Hox Genes.  

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Demospongiae, Glossary,Homoscleromorpha,Porifera Dendrogram.

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Hox Genes

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Archaeocyatha,Glossary, Reitner J & TS Engeser (1987), Skeletal structures and habitats of Recent and fossil Acanthochaetetes (subclass Tetractinomorpha, Demospongiae, Porifera). Coral Reefs 6: 13-18.
Stromatoporoidea.  . 

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Helcionellidae,Helcionelloida Dendrogram, Monoplacophora,Tropodiscidae.  

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Helcionelloida,Molluscan Phylogeny, Monoplacophora,Rostroconchia,Scaphopoda, Stenothecidae.  

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Hox Genes

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Hox Genes. 


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Hox Genes

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Actophila,Bellerophontida,"Bellerophontiforms",Caudofoveata,Molluscan Phylogeny, Pulmonata, Solenogastres.  

Sasaki, T (1998), Comparative anatomy and phylogeny of the recent Archaeogastropoda (Mollusca: Gastropoda). Univ. Mus., Tokyo, Bull. No.38. 
Eogastropoda,Gastropod Systematics, Patellogastropoda.  

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Hox Genes

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Bilateria, Hox Genes.  

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Hox Genes

Schmitt S (2002), Molekulare Phylogenie der Ordnung Verongida (Porifera). Unpub. Ph.D. Diss. Bayerische Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, 102 pp.
Homoscleromorpha, Tetractinomorpha

Shu, D-G (2005), On the phylum Vetulicolia. Chin. Sci. Bull. 50: 2342-2354.
Hox Genes

Shu, D-G, S Conway Morris, J Han, L Chen, X-L Zhang, Z-F Zhang, H-Q Liu, Y Li, & J-N Liu (2001), Primitive deuterostomes from the Chengjiang Lagerstätte (Lower Cambrian, China). Nature 414: 419-424. 
Deuterostomia,Hox Genes,Metazoa, Vetulicolia.

Shu, D-G, S Conway Morris, J Han, Z-F Zhang & J-N Liu (2004), Ancestral echinoderms from the Chengjiang deposits of China. Nature 430: 422-428.
Hox Genes, Vetulocystidae.

Shu, D-G, S Conway Morris, X-L Zhang, L Chen, Y Li & J Han (1999), A pipiscid-like fossil from the Lower Cambrian of South China.  Nature 400: 746-749. 

Shu, D-G, S Conway Morris, Z-F Zhang, J-N Liu, J Han, L Chen, X-L Zhang, K Yasui & Y Li. (2003), A new species of yunnanozoan with implications for deuterostome evolution. Science 299: 1380-1384. 

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Glossary,Homoscleromorpha, Porifera.

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Archaeocyatha,Demospongiae,Hexactinellida,Homoscleromorpha,Porifera,Porifera Dendrogram.

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Hox Genes

Sutcliffe, OE, WH Südkamp & RPS Jefferies (2000), Ichnological evidence on the behaviour of mitrates - two trails associated with the Devonian mitrate RhenocystisLethaia 33: 1-12. 
Stylophora Sudkamp   

Swalla, BJ, CB Cameron, LS Corley & JR Garey (2000), Urochordates are monophyletic within deuterostomes. Syst. Biol. 49: 52-64.
Hox Genes

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Hox Genes

Taylor PD & MA Wilson (2003), Palaeoecology and evolution of marine hard substrate communities. Earth-Science Rev. 62: 1-103.
Glossary, Irregulares.

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Actinocerida,Ascocerida, Barrandeocerina,Discosorida, Ellesmerocerida,Nautilida, Plectronocerida,Tarphycerina.  

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Hexactinellida, Porifera.

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Homoscleromorpha,Sponge Spicules.


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Hox Genes

Van Auken, K, DC Weaver, LG Edgar & WB Wood (2000), Caenorhabditis elegans embryonic axial patterning requires two recently discovered posterior-group hox genes. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. (USA) 97: 4499–4503.
Hox Genes.  

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Hexactinellida, Porifera.


Wade, C M. & PB Mordan (2000), Evolution within the gastropod molluscs; using the ribosomal RNA gene cluster as an indicator of relationships. J. Molluscan Stud. 66: 565-570.
Basommatophora, Stylommatophora,Systellommaophora.  

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Bellerophontida,Euomphalida, Gastropod Systematics, Macluritoidea,Molluscan Phylogeny, Sinuopeidae,Tropodiscidae.  

Wagner, PJ ( 2001), Gastropod phylogenetics: progress, problems and implicationsJ. Paleontol. 75: 1128 - 1140. 
Bellerophontida,"Bellerophontiforms",Euomphalida, Gastropod Systematics, Macluritoidea,Mimospirida,Omphalocirridae,Paragastropoda.  

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Helcionelloida Dendrogram, Molluscan Phylogeny,Monoplacophora,Rostroconchia.  

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Hox Genes

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Gastropod Systematics.  

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Hox Genes

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Hox Genes

Wood R (1998), The ecological evolution of reefs. Annu. Rev. Ecol. Syst., 29: 179–206.
Archaeocyatha, Hexactinellida, Porifera, Stromatoporoidea.  . 

Wray, GA & CJ Lowe (2000), Developmental regulatory genes and echinoderm evolution.  Syst. Biol. 49: 28-51.

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Hox Genes

Yochelson, EL (1969), Stenothecoida, a proposed new class of Cambrian MolluscaLethaia 2:.49-62. 

Yochelson, EL (1978), An alternative approach to the interpretation of the phylogeny of ancient mollusksMalacologica 17: 165-191. 
Helcionelloida,Molluscan Phylogeny, Monoplacophora,Paragastropoda,Pelagiellida,Scaphopoda.  


Zrzavý, J (2001), The interrelationships of metazoan parasites: a review of phylum- and higher-level hypotheses from recent morphological and molecular phylogenetic analyses. Folia Parasitol. 48: 81-103. 

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