Stem Metazoa
This is a placeholder page for one of the major divisions of Eukarya.
We have tried not to clutter Palaeos with formal-sounding names which are not
formal, published taxa. The one exception -- and we've forgotten why we
made an exception -- is Metabiotifomes = plants + animals. "Stem Metazoa" is one of
the two stem clades supporting Metabiotiformes, i.e. animals > plants.
Cavalier-Smith's (2002) phylogeny, this is equivalent to Unikonta plus
Apusozoa. Apusozoa
may also lie outside the Stem Metazoa as defined here, in which case,
Unikonta and Stem Metazoa are just about identical.
In addition to the Apusozoa and the amoebas, the Stem Metazoa contain the
Fungi and the
animals, both of which have
their own major sections in Palaeos. Finally, we include a few taxa of
uncertain affinities which are probably fungi or animals, but branch so deeply
that we can't really tell. As of the present writing, the only
such organisms actually treated in Palaeos are the highly divergent, parasitic
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