Palaeos: Palaeos Alveolata
EUKARYA References

Alveolata References

Anderson, DM, JJ Lively, EM Reardon, & CA Price (1985), Sinking characteristics of dinoflagellate cysts. Limnol. Oceanogr. 30: 1000.  Dinozoa.

Cavalier-Smith, T & EE Chao (2004), Protalveolate phylogeny and systematics and the origins of Sporozoa and dinoflagellates (phylum Myzozoa nom. nov.)Eur. J. Protistol. 40: 185–212.

Clowes, CD (1985), Stoveracysta, a new gonyaulacacean dinoflagellate genus from the upper Eocene and lower Oligocene of New ZealandPalynology 9: 27-36.  Dinozoa

Dale, B (1996), Dinoflagellate cyst ecology: modelling and geological applications, in J Jansonius & DC McGregor [eds.], Palynology: Principles and Applications. Am. Assoc. Stratigr. Palynol. Found., 3: 1249–1275.  Dinozoa.

Evitt, WR (1985), Sporopollenin dinoflagellate cysts -- their morphology and interpretation. Am. Assoc. Strat. Palynologists Found.,  333 pp.  Dinozoa

Fensome, RA, JB Riding & FJR Taylor (1996), Dinoflagellates in J Jansonius & DC McGregor [eds.], Palynology: Principles and Applications. Am. Assoc. Stratigr. Palynol. Found., 1: 107-169.  Dinozoa

Hotton, CL, FM Hueber, DH Griffing, & JS Bridge (2001), Early Terrestrial Plant Environments: An Example from the Emsian of Gaspé, Canada, in PG Gensel & D Edwards [eds.] Plants Invade the Land.  Columbia Univ. Press:  pp. 179-203.  Dinozoa.

Knoll, AH (1996), Archean and proterozoic paleontology, in J Jansonius & DC McGregor [eds.], Palynology: Principles and Applications. Am. Assoc. Stratigr. Palynol. Found. 1: 51-80.  Dinozoa.

Margulis, L & KV Schwartz (1982), Five Kingdoms: An Illustrated Guide to the Phyla of Life. Freeman.  Dinozoa.

Martin, F & G Kjellström (1973), Ultrastructural study of some Ordovician acritarchs from Gotland, SwedenNeues Jahrb. Geol. Paläont. Monatsh. 1973: 44.  Dinozoa.

Mendelson, CV (1993), Acritarchs and prasinophytes, in JH Lipps [ed.], Fossil Prokaryotes and Protists.  Blackwell Scientific, pp 77-104.  Dinozoa.

Moldowan, JM & NM Talyzina (1998), Biogeochemical evidence for dinoflagellate ancestors in the Early Cambrian. Science 281: 1168-1169.  Dinozoa.

Pollingher, U (1987), Ecology: freshwater systems, in FJR Taylor [ed.], The Biology of Dinoflagellates.  Blackwell Scientific, pp. 502-529.  Dinozoa.

Pratt, LM, RE Summons & GB Hieshima (1991), Sterane and triterpane biomarkers in the Precambrian Nonesuch Formation, North American Midcontinent RiftGeochim. Cosmochim. Acta,  55: 911-916.  Dinozoa.

Shimuzu, Y (1987), Dinoflagellate toxins, in FJR Taylor [ed.], The Biology of Dinoflagellates. Bot. Monogr., 21: 282-315.  Dinozoa.

Siddall, ME, KS Reece, TA Nerad, & EM Burreson (2001), Molecular determination of the phylogenetic position of a species in the genus Colpodella (Alveolata) Am. Mus. Nov. No. 3314, 10pp.  Alveolata.

Strother, PK (1996), Acritarchs, in J Jansonius & DC McGregor [eds.], Palynology: Principles and Applications. Am. Assoc. Stratigr. Palynol. Found. 1: 81-106.  Dinozoa.

Summons, RE & MR Walter (1990), Molecular fossils and microfossils of procaryotes and protists from Proterozoic sediments. Amer. J. Sci. 290-A: 212-244.  Dinozoa.

Tappan, H (1980), The Paleobiology of Plant Protists. Freeman, 1028 pp.  Dinozoa.

Taylor, FJR (1987), General and marine ecosystems, in FJR Taylor & U Pollingher, Ecology of dinoflagellates, in FJR Taylor [ed.], The Biology of Dinoflagellates. Botanical Monographs, 21: 399-502.  Dinozoa.

Wall, D & B Dale (1968), Modern dinoflagellate cysts and evolution of the Peridiniales. Micropaleontology, 14: 265-304.  Dinozoa.

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