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Abbreviated Dendrogram
│ ├─Anotophysi
│ └─Otophysi
│ ├─Cypriniformes
│ └─Siluriphysi
│ └─Esociformes
Overview |
Phylogeny: Neognathi: Esociformes + *: Stenopterygii + Eurypterygii.
Characters: pterygoid with teeth covering medial surface [$?JP97]; levator process present on epibranchial 4 [$?JP97]; first preural & first ural centra fused [$?JP97].
Links: NCBI Browser.
References: Johnson & Patterson (1997) [JP97]. ATW030419.
Argyropelecus (hatchetfish); 321 spp, including lightfishes, marine hatchetfishes. Mostly weird, deep-sea forms.
Neoteleostei: Eurypterygii + *.
Characters: Deep sea fishes, often with photophores and large mouths, teeth present on both maxilla and premaxilla; some with chin barbel; adipose fin in some. ATW020619.
Range: from the Late Cretaceous?
Phylogeny: Neoteleostei: Stenopterygii + *: Cyclosquamata + Ctenosquamata.
Links: Eurypterygii; Link to NCBI Front Page. ATW030402.
Cyclosquamata: = Aulopiformes) deep sea dwellers - 219 species lizardfish, barracudina.
Range: from the Late Cretaceous
Phylogeny: Eurypterygii: Ctenosquamata + *.
Characters: Premaxilla forming the gape of the mouth (maxilla excluded); upper jaw not protrusible; maxilla toothed; second pharyngobranchial greatly elongated posterolaterally, extending away from third pharyngobranchial, with elongated uncinate process of second epibranchial contacting third pharyngobranchial; third pharyngobranchial lacking cartilaginous condyle for articulation of second epibranchial; elongate pectoral, pelvic and caudal rays to sit on bottom; adipose fin present; caudal fin strongly forked; deep sea forms; many synchronous hermaphrodites.
Links: Cyclosquamata; Orders Summary; IWR- Taxa- Aulopiformes; Aulopiformes; Aulopiformes; Order Aulopiformes; ??? Aulopiformes; Poster 34; TKAS 105 (2002); POISSON LÉZARD; The CDM's Earth Sciences Resource Site- SiteMap. ATW030403.
Phylogeny: Eurypterygii: Cyclosquamata + *: Scopelomorpha + Acanthomorpha
Links: Ctenosquamata; Link to NCBI Front Page. ATW030403.
Scopelomorpha: = Myctophiformes). Blackchins & Lanternfishes. Classically, a paraphyletic superorder including Cyclosquamata and Myctophiformes.
Range: from the Late Cretaceous.
Phylogeny: Ctenosquamata: Acanthomorpha + *.
Characters: Head and body compressed (longitudinally); mouth usually large and terminal; eye lateral (dorsolateral in the myctophid Hierops); mesethmoid with median dorsal keel; first levator externus muscle reduced or absent; toothplate fused to proximal face of fourth ceratobranchial; fifth pharyngeal toothplate absent; usually 7-11 branchiostegal rays; first vertebral centrum with pair of enlarged cone-like parapophyses; adipose fin present; adipose fin support penetrating the supracarinalis posterior musculature; usually 8 pelvic fin rays; frequently with a lateral row of light organs; deep-sea pelagic and benthopelagic fishes.
Links: Scopelomorpha; Link to NCBI Front Page; Dierentuin.Net Dieren Database Lantaarnvissen; Orders Summary; Myctophiformes; Myctophiformes 1 ORDER MYCTOPHIFORMES- Blackchins and ...; temp; Lecture 7 -; Cretaceous Fossils: Enchodus ferox Page; ATW031227.
checked ATW060106