Palaeos Palaeos Homalozoa
Deuterostomia References

Homalozoa References


Campbell, KSW (1987), Evolution evolvingJ. & Proc. Roy. Soc. NSW 120: 9-19.  WWWCtenocystoidea

Caster, KE (1967), Homoiostelea, in RC Moore [ed.] Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology Part S: Echinodermata 1.  Geol. Soc. Amer. 2: S581-S623.  Soluta.  

Dominguez, P, AG Jacobson & RPS Jeffries (2002), Paired gill slits in a fossil with a calcite skeletonNature 417: 841-844.  Stylophora.  

Dominguez-Alonso, P (1999), The early evolution of echinoderms: The class Ctenocystoidea and its closest relatives revisited, in MD Candia Carnevalli & F Bonasoro [eds.], Echinoderm Research 1998. AA Balkema, pp. 263-268.  Cincta, Helicoplacoidea.  

Dornbos, SQ & DJ Bottjer (2000), Taphonomy and environmental distribution of helicoplacoid echinodermsPalaios 16: 197-204.  Helicoplacoidea.  

Durham, JW (1993), Observations on the Early Cambrian helicoplacoid echinodermsJ. Paleontol. 67: 590-604.  Helicoplacoidea.  

Jefferies, RPS (1986), The Ancestry of the Vertebrates. Brit. Mus. (Nat. Hist.).  Homalozoa, Stylophora.  

Jefferies, RPS (1997), How chordates and echinoderms separated from each other and the problem of dorso-ventral inversionPal. Soc. Papers 3: 249-266.  Cincta, Ctenocystoidea, Soluta.  

Lefebvre, B (2003), Functional morphology of stylophoran echinodermsPalaeontology 46: 511-555.  Stylophora.  

Parsley, RL (1997), The echinoderm classes Stylophora and Homoiostelea: Non CalcichordataPal. Soc. Papers 3:225-248.  Ctenocystoidea, Soluta.  

Parsley, RL (1999), The Cincta (Homostelea) as blastozoans, in MD Candia Carnevalli & F Bonasoro [eds.], Echinoderm Research 1998. AA Balkema, pp. 369-375.  Cincta, Ctenocystoidea.  

Ruta, M (2003), A species-level supertree for stylophoran echinoderms. Acta Pal. Pol. 48: 559–568.  Stylophora.  

Sutcliffe, OE, WH Südkamp & RPS Jefferies (2000), Ichnological evidence on the behaviour of mitrates - two trails associated with the Devonian mitrate RhenocystisLethaia 33: 1-12.  Stylophora Sudkamp 

Ubaghs, G (1967), Stylophora, in R C Moore [ed.], Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology, Pt. S: Echinodermata 1. Geol. Soc. Amer. 2: S495-S565.  Stylophora.

Ubaghs, G (1967a), Homostelea, in R C Moore [ed.], Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology, Pt. S: Echinodermata 1. Geol. Soc. Amer. 2: S565-S581.  Cincta.  

Ubaghs, G (1967b), Cymbionites and Peridionites - unclassified Middle Cambrian echinoderms, in RC Moore [ed.], Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology, Pt. S: Echinodermata 1. Geol. Soc. Amer. 2: S634-S637.  Homalozoa.

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