Palaeos Palaeos Homalozoa
Deuterostomia Dendrogram

Homalozoa Dendrogram

For our purposes here, we treat Homalozoa as a crown group anchored by the well-known (but not well-understood) stylophoran Rhenocystis and the equally well-known (but much better understood) sea urchin Echinus.  However, the name 'Homalozoa' is never actually used in connection with living echinoderms.  We are only concerned with the stem taxa.  The stylophoran part of the cladogram is based largely on the supertree of Ruta (2003).  

o : crown group
^ : stem group
¶ : paraphyletic basal radiation
@ : apomorphy-based clade
* : similarity-based (classical) taxon
? : basis not yet established

o HOMALOZOA (redefined as a clade: Rhenocystis + Echinus)
`--+--* Stylophora X? (may be paraphyletic)
   |  `--¶ Cornuta X
   |     |--Cornuthocystis X
   |     `--+--Flabellicarpus X 
   |        `--@? Mitrata X  
   |           |--Jaekelocarpus X  
   |           `--+--Diamphidiocystis X  
   |              `--+--Anomalocystis X 
   |                 `--Rhenocystis X  
   `--+--* Soluta X 
      |  |--+--Coleicarpus X 
      |  |  `--Castericystis X  
      |  `--+--Dendrocystitis X  
      |     `--Syringocrinus X  
      `--+--* Cincta X  
         |  |--Gyrocystis X  
         |  `--Trochocystites X  
         `--+--* Ctenocystoidea X  
            |  `--Ctenocystis X  
            `--+--* Helicoplacoidea X  
               `--o ECHINODERMATA


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page uploaded 7 April 2002, 
last modified CT050820
checked ATW050724