Eukarya Palaeos Anaeromonadida


Brugerolle, G (1991), Flagellar and cytoskeletal systems in amitochondriate flagellates: Archamoeba, Metamonada and Parabasala. Protoplasma 164: 70–90.  Oxymonadida, Polymastigidae, Pyrsonymphidae

Brugerolle, G & H König (1997), Ultrastructure and organization of the cytoskeleton in Oxymonas, an intestinal flagellate of termitesJ. Eukaryot. Microbiol. 44: 305-313.  OxymonadidaePyrsonymphidae, Streblomastigidae

Cavalier-Smith, T (1998), A revised six-kingdom system of life, Biol. Rev. Camb. Philos. Soc. 73: 203–266.  Oxymonadida

Cavalier-Smith, T (1999), Principles of protein and lipid targeting in secondary symbiogenesis: euglenoid, dinoflagellate, and sporozoan plastid origins and the eukaryote family treeJ. Eukaryot. Microbiol. 46: 347–366.  Oxymonadida.  

Cleveland, LR (1956), Brief account of the sexual cycles of the flagellates of CryptocercusJ. Protozool. 3: 161–180.  Oxymonadidae, Saccinobaculidae.

Dacks, JB & AJ Roger (1999), The first sexual lineage and the relevance of facultative sexJ. Mol. Evol. 48: 779-783. WWWOxymonadida.  

Dacks, JB, JD Silberman, AGB Simpson, S Moriya, T Kudo, M Ohkuma, & R Redfield (2001), Oxymonads are closely related to the excavate taxon Trimastix. Mol. Biol. Evol. 18: 1034–1044.  WWWOxymonadida, Pyrsonymphidae.  

Hollande, A., J Carruette-Valentin (1970), Appariement chromosomique et complexes synaptonematiques dans les noyaux en cours de dépolyploidisation chez Pyrsonympha flagellata: le cycle évolutif des Pyrsonymphines symbiontes de Reticulitermes lucifugusC. R. Acad. Sci. Paris. 270: 2550–2555.  Pyrsonymphidae.

Keeling, PJ & BS Leander (2003), Characterization of a non-canonical genetic code in the oxymonad flagellate Streblomastix strix (Eukaryota, Oxymonadida)J. Mol. Biol. 326:1337-1349.  Streblomastigidae.

Kudo, RR (1966), Protozoology (5th ed.), Charles C Thomas Publ., 1174 pp.  Oxymonadidae, Polymastigidae, Pyrsonymphidae, Saccinobaculidae.   

Kudo, T, M Ohkuma, S Moriya, S Noda & K Ohtoko (1998), Molecular phylogenetic identification of the intestinal anaerobic microbial community in the hindgut of the termite, Reticulitermes speratus, without cultivationExtremeophiles 2: 155-161.  Oxymonadida.

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Margulis, L, MF Dolan & R Guerrero (2000), The chimeric eukaryote: origin of the nucleus from the karyomastigont in amitochondriate protistsProc. Nat. Acad. Sci. (USA) 97: 6954-6959.  WWW.  Oxymonadida.  

Moriya S, JB Dacks, A Takagi, S Noda, M Ohkuma, WF Doolittle & TJ Kudo (2003), Molecular phylogeny of three oxymonad genera: Pyrsonympha, Dinenympha and OxymonasJ. Eukaryot. Microbiol. 50:190-197.  Oxymonadida, Oxymonadidae, Polymastigidae, Pyrsonymphidae, Saccinobaculidae, Streblomastigidae.  

Moriya, S, M Ohkuma, & T Kudo (1998), Phylogenetic position of symbiotic protist Dinenympha exilis in the hindgut of the termite Reticulitermes speratus inferred from the protein phylogeny of elongation factor 1aGene 210: 221–227.  Oxymonadida.   

Moriya, S, M Ohkuma, & T Kudo (2001), Molecular evolution of microtubule system of protist symbionts of termitesRIKEN Rev. 41: 75-76.  WWW.  Oxymonadida.

Noda, S, M Ohkuma, A Yamada, Y Hongoh & T Kudo (2003), Phylogenetic position and in situ identification of ectosymbiotic spirochetes on protists in the termite gut, App. & Env. Microbiol. 69: 625-633.  WWWOxymonadida.

O'Kelly CJ, MA Farmer & TA Nerad (1999), Ultrastructure of Trimastix pyriformis (Klebs) and similarities of Trimastix species with retortamonads and jakobidsProtist 150: 149-162. WWW.  Polymastigidae.  

Silberman, JD, AGB Simpson, J Kulda, I Cepicka, V Hampl, PJ Johnson & AJ Roger (2002), Retortamonad flagellates are closely related to diplomonads — implications for the history of mitochondrial function in eukaryote evolution, Mol. Biol. Evol. 19: 777-786.  Oxymonadida.  

Simpson, AGB, R Radek, JB Dacks, & CJ O'Kelly (2002), How oxymonads lost their groove: an ultrastructural comparison of Monocercomonoides and excavate taxa.  J. Eukaryot. Microbiol. 49: 239-248.  Oxymonadida, Polymastigidae, Pyrsonymphidae.

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