Palaeos Palaeos Chelonii
Vertebrates Classification

Chelonii: Classification

Abbreviated Dendrogram
                         |  |--Chelydridae
                         |  `--Kinosternoidea

Chelonian origins
Derived Stem Testudines

      Subclass Anapsida
             Order Chelonii Brogniart 1800 (Testudinata Oppel 1811,  Testudines Batsch 1788, Chelonia of Romer etc) 
                    Suborder "Odontochelydia"
                                                      Family †Odontochelyidae Li et al., 2008  (monotypal - †Odontochelys)
                    Suborder †Proganochelydia, Romer, 1966
                                                      Family †Proganochelyidae Baur 1888 (Proganochelys, Chinlechelys Joyce et al. 2008)
                                                      Family †Australochelyidae Gaffney & Kitching, 1994 (Australochelys and Palaeochersis - paraphyletic)
                                                      Family †Proterochersidae Nopcsa, 1928 (monotypal - Proterochersis, convergent with Pleurodira)
                    Suborder Cryptodira Cope, 1868 (= Cryptodiramorpha Lee 1995)
                           Infraorder unspecified 
                                                      Family †Kayentachelyidae (Kayentachelys Gaffney et al. 1987 monotypic family) 
                                                      Family †Indochelyidae Datta et al. 2000 (Indochelys - monotypic family)
                                                      Family †Solemydidae (may be Ceratocryptodira)
                                                      Family †Kallokibotiidae Nopcsa 1923  (may be Ceratocryptodira)
                                                      Family unspecified - †Condorchelys Sterli, 2008, Eileanchelys
                           Infraorder †Ceratocryptodira Bour & Dubois 1986
                                         Superfamily †Meiolaniodea Gaffney
                                                      Family †Meiolaniidae Lydekker, 1887 (horned turtles)
                                                      Family †Mongolochelyidae Sukhanov and Pozdnjakov (Mongolochelys - monotypal)
                                                      Family †Chelycarapookidae Warren 1969 (Chelycarapookus - monotypal)
                                                      Families unspecified - †Chubutemys Gaffney et al. 2007, Otwayemys Gaffney et al. 1998 
                           Infraorder †Paracryptodira Gaffney, 1975 (= Amphichelydia Lydekker 1889) (semi-aquatic, terrapin-like)
                                         Superfamily †Pleurosternoidea Hay, 1930 (= Basicryptodira Bour & Dubois 1986)
                                                      Family †Pleurosternidae Cope, 1868
                                                      Family †Glyptopsidae Marsh, 1890 (may or may not be synonymous with Pleurosternidae)
                                         Superfamily †Baenoidea Williams, 1950
                                                      Incertae sedis †Arundelemys, †Compsemys
                                                      Family †Baenidae Cope 1882
                                                            Subfamily †Neurankylidae Lambe, 1902  - here used for paraphyletic Neurankylus lineage of Lyson & Joyce 2009
                                                                                                                                includes monotypal †Trinithchelyinae Gaffeny, 1972
                                                            Subfamily: †Hayemydinae Gaffney, 1972 (monotypal - Hayemys)
                                                            Subfamily †Palatobaeninae Gaffney, 1972 - here used for Plesiobaena-Palatobaena lineage of Lyson & Joyce 2009
                                                            Subfamily †Eubaeninae Gaffney, 1972 - here used for Eubaena-Stygiochelys lineage of Lyson & Joyce 2009
                           Infraorder Eucryptodira Gaffney 1975  (incl. Pancryptodira Joyce et al. 2004)
                                  Parvorder unspecified
                                         Superfamily †Plesiochelyoidea (paraphyletic, stem eucryptodires, all freshwater aquatic or marginal marine)
                                                      Family †Eurysternidae Dollo, 1886
                                                      Family †Thalassemydidae Zittel 1889   (monotypal - Thalassemys Rütimeyer, 1859) 
                                                      Family †Plesiochelyidae Rütimeyer, 1873 (Plesiochelys Rütimeyer, 1873, Hylaeochelys Lydekker, 1889, Portlandemys Gaffney 1975)
                                                      Family †Protostegidae Cope, 1872 (small to gigantic Cretaceous marine turtles, cosmop., convergent with Dermochelyidae)
                                                            incertae sedis: †Santanachelys Hirayama, 1998, †Notochelone Owen, 1882, etc
                                                            Subfamily †Desmatochelyinae Williston, 1894 (monotypal - Desmatochelys  - Late Cretaceous of N Am) 
                                                            Subfamily †Chelospharginae Zanger 1953 (paraphyletic grade of small primitive types  - Late Cretaceous of N Am, 
                                                                                                                                 if includes Rhinochelys Seeley 1869 then also European distribution)
                                                            Subfamily †Protosteginae Zangerl, 1953 (large to giant advanced forms - Late Cretaceous of N Am)
                                                      Clade †Angolachelonia Mateus et al. 2009 (= family "Angolocheloniidae"?)
                                         Superfamily unspecified - (eucryptodires of Xinjiangchelyid grade, generally semi-aquatic, terrapin-like)
                                                      Family †Xinjiangchelyidae (paraphyletic ancestral forms, Mid Jurassic to Early Cretaceous of Asia)
                                                      incertae sedis: Chengyuchelys, Brodiechelys, Larachelus, etc
                                  Parvaorder Centrocryptodira Gaffney and Meylan 1988  ((including Polycryptodira Gaffney and Meylan 1988)
                                         Superfamily unspecified, paraphyletic or polyphyletic (testudines of Macrobaenid-Sinemydid grade, semi-aquatic, terrapin-like)
                                                      Family †Sinemydidae Yeh 1963 (primitive forms - Late Jurassic to Paleogene)
                                                      Family †Macrobaenidae Sukhanov 1964 (Judithemys & Macrobaena - advanced stem or crown centrocryptodires)
                                                      incertae sedis: †Hangaiemys, †Hoyasemys Perez-Garcia et al. 2012, †Wuguia Matzke et al. 2004
                                         Superfamily Trionychoidea Fitzinger, 1826  (sensu Trionychoidae  = Pantrionychia Joyce et al. 2004)
                                                Epifamily †Adocoidae Cope, 1870 - shell sculpture in the form of pits, separated by ridges. Late Jurassic - Oligocene of Asia & North America.
                                                      Family †Adocidae Cope, 1870
                                                             Subfamily †Adocinae Cope, 1870 
                                                             Subfamily †Shachemydinae Khosatzky in Nessov & Khosatzk y , 1977  - Ferganemys & Shachemys - Cretaceous of Asia
                                                      Family †Nanhsiungchelyidae Yeh, 1966 - shell sculpture in the form of large pits with high crests - Cretaceous of Asia and North America.
                                                Epifamily Trionychoidae (softshell turtles and their ancestors Late Hurasisc to Recent) 
                                                      Family Trionychidae Fitzinger, 1826 (softshell turtles)
                                                      Family Carettochelyidae Boulenger, 1887 (pignose turtles)
                                         Superfamily Chelonioidea Baur 1893  (= Panchelonioidea Joyce et al. 2004)   (sea turtles - Cretaceous to recent)
                                                      Family unspecified -  Genus †Chitracephalus Dollo 1884 (small, semi-aquatic)
                                                      Iincertae sedis 
                                                             Subfamily †Allopleuroninae (Large sea turtles, Late Cretaceous of Europe, convergent with Protostegids and Dermatemydids)
                                                      Family †Toxochelyidae Baur 1895
                                                             Subfamily †Toxochelyinae (medium to large near shore marine types - Late Cretaceous of N Am)
                                                             Subfamily †Lophochelyinae (Late Cretaceous - may be Toxochelyids or Cheloniids)
                                                      Family Cheloniidae Oppel, 1811 (sea turtles)
                                                      incertae sedis: †Mexichelys, †Euclastes, †Gigantatypus - late Cretaceous
                                                             Subfamily †Eocheloniinae (ancestral types, Paleocene to Miocene)
                                                             Subfamily: Cheloniinae (recent and related sea turtles - Miocene to Recent, Cosmop.)
                                                                   Tribe: Chelonini (Green sea turtles and their relatives; incl. Syllominae)
                                                                   Tribe: Carettini (Loggerheads and their relatives)
                                                      Family Dermochelyidae Fitzinger, 1843 (leatherback sea turtles - Late Cretaceous to Recent)
                                         Superfamily Chelydroidea Baur 1893
                                                      Family Chelydridae Gray, 1831 (snapping turtles)
                                                      Family Platysternidae Gray, 1869 (big-headed turtle)   (= Platysternoidea Baur 1893 )
                                         Kinosternoidea Holroyd and Hutchison 2002
                                                      Family Dermatemydidae Gray, 1870 (river turtles)
                                                      Family Kinosternidae Agassiz, 1857 (mud turtles)
                                         Superfamily Testudinoidea Gray 1825
                                                      Family †Haichemydidae Sukhanov and Narmandakh 2006 
                                                      Family †Lindholmemydidae Chkhikvadze, 1970
                                                      Family †Sinochelyidae Chkhikvadze, 1970 (incl. Peishanemydidae Nesov)
                                                      Family Emydidae Rafinesque, 1815 (pond, box, and water turtles)
                                                      Family Geoemydidae Theobald, 1868 ((Asian river turtles, Asian leaf turtles, Asian box turtles, and roofed turtles)
                                                      Family Testudinidae Batsch, 1788 (true tortoises - Late Paleocene to Recent)
                                                            incertae sedis: †Achilemys Hay, 1908, †Hadrianus Cope, 1872, etc
                                                            Subfamily: Xerobatinae Gaffney & Maylan, 1988 (desert and burrowing tortoises, Late Eocene to Recent)
                                                            Subfamily: Testudinidae (most tortoises, Paleogene to Recent)
                                                                   Tribe: Testudinini - typical tortoises
                                                                   Tribe: Megalochelyini - average to giant tortoises
                           Suborder Pleurodira Cope, 1864 (3 families)   (incl. Eupleurodira Gaffney and Meylan 1988)
                                         Superfamilies unspecified 
                                                      Family †Platychelyidae Bräm, 1965 (= Platychelira Gaffney et al. 2006)
                                                      Family †Dortokidae de Lapparent de Broin and Murelaga 1999
                                                      Family †Propleuridae Cope 1872
                                                      Family †Eusarkiidae Bergounioux 1952
                                                      Family Notoemydidae de Broin and de la Fuente 1993
                                                      Family †Araripemydidae
                                                      Family Chelidae Gray, 1825 (Austro-American sideneck turtles)
                                         Superfamily Pelomedusoidea  (incl Pelomedusoides (Broin 1988) )
                                                      Family †Bothremydidae (incl Bothremydinura Gaffney et al. 2006)
                                                      Family Pelomedusidae Cope, 1868 (African sideneck turtles)
                                                      Family Podocnemididae Cope, 1868 (Madagascan big-headed and American sideneck river turtles)

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