Palaeos: Paleozoic Palaeos Permian Period
Permian Period References


Ali, J.R., 2009, Comment on “Illawarra Reversal: the ?ngerprint of a superplume that triggered the Pangean break-up and the end-Guadalupian (Permian) mass extinction” by Yukio Isozaki, Gondwana Res. (2009), doi:10.1016/ PDF
referred to in Superplume activity

J. M. Anderson & A. R. I. Cruikshank, 1978, "The Biostratigraphy of the Permian and Triassic, Part 5, a review of the classification and distribution of Permo-Triassic Tetrapods," in Paleontologica Africana, 21, 15-44,
referred to in Asselian, Sakmarian, Artinskian, and Kungurian

R.T. Bakker, 1975 "Dinosaur Renaissance", Scientific American April 1975
referred to in Wordian

R.T. Bakker, 1977 "Tetrapod Mass Extinctions - A model of the regulation of speciation rates and immigration by cycles of topographic diversity" in A. Hallam, ed. Patterns of Evolution as illustrated by the Fossil Record, Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, Amsterdam, Oxford, New York, pp.439-68
referred to in Wordian, Capitanian

Robert T. Bakker, 1980, "The Need for Endothermic Archosaurs", in R.D.K. Thomas and E.C. Olson, [eds.], A Cold Look at the Warm Blooded Dinosaurs, AAAS Selected Symposium 28, p.366
referred to in Cisuralian, Artinskian, Lopingian, Wuchiapingian, Karroo

M. J. Benton, V. P. Tverdokhlebov, & M. V. Surkov , 2004, Ecosystem remodelling among vertebrates at the Permian-Triassic boundary in Russia, Nature, vol. 432, 4 November 2004

printed referenceL. D. Boonstra, 1969, "The Fauna of the Tapinocephalus Zone (Beaufort Beds of the Karroo)", Annals of the South African Museum, 56 (1) pp. 1-73
referred to in Capitanian

Chernykh, Valery V., 2002 Refined taxonomy of robust nonplatformed conodonts improves correlation of the Kazanian to the West Texas standard, abstract

Chernykh, Valery V., 2002 Refined taxonomy of robust nonplatformed conodonts improves correlation of the Kazanian to the West Texas standard, abstract
referred to in Roadian

Chudinov, P.K. 1965, "New Facts about the Fauna of the Upper Permian of the USSR", Journal of Geology, 73:117-30;
referred to in Wordian

Chumakov, NM & MA Zharkov (2002), Climate during Permian–Triassic biosphere reorganizations, article 1: Climate of the Early PermianStrat. Geol. Correl., 10: 586–602.  Asselian.

Matthew E. Clapham, Shuzhong Shen, and David J. Bottjer, 2009, The double mass extinction revisited: reassessing the severity, selectivity, and causes of the end-Guadalupian biotic crisis (Late Permian). Paleobiology: Vol. 35, No. 1, pp. 32-50.
referred to in Permian Extinction events

Freeman, A 1994 /5 The morphology and behaviour of gorgonopsids, and a new use for computers in palaeontology, Undergraduate Project
referred to in Wordian

Ernest H. Gilmour and I.P. Morozova, On the taxonomic composition and distribution of Late Permian Bryozoa - All-Russian and International Conference on Bryozoa (1997) - Abstracts
referred to in Roadian

Glenister, B.F. & Furnish, W.M.; 1961: The Permian ammonoids of Australia, Journal of Paleontology 35(4), pp 673-736.
referred to in Wordian

Glenister, B.F.; Wardlaw, B.R.; Lambert, L.L.; Spinosa, C.; Bowring, S.A.; Erwin, D.H.; Menning, M. & Wilde, G.L.; 1999: Proposal of Guadalupian and Component Roadian, Wordian and Capitanian Stages as International Standards for the Middle Permian Series, Permophiles 34: pp 3-11.
referred to in Wordian

Gradstein, F.M.; Ogg, J.G. & Smith, A.G.; 2004: A Geologic Time Scale 2004, Cambridge University Press
referred to in Wordian

Hancox, P.J. & Rubidge, B.A. 1997. The role of fossils in interpreting the development of the Karroo basin. Palaeont. Afr., 33: 41-54.
referred to in Wordian, Capitanian, Wuchiapingian, Changhsingian, Permian stratigraphy

Harland, W. Brian, Richard Armstrong, Allan Cox, Craig Lorraine, Alan Smith and David Smith. 1990. A Geologic Time Scale 1989. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge UK, & New York. Revised Edition, 1990.

Yukio Isozakia, 2009, Illawarra Reversal: The fingerprint of a superplume that triggered Pangean breakup and the end-Guadalupian (Permian) mass extinction, Gondwana Research Volume 15, Issues 3-4, June 2009, Pages 421-432 Abstract Pdf
referred to in Mass Extinctions, Illawarra Reversal and Superplume activity

Isozaki, Y., Kawahata, H., Minoshima, K., 2007: The Capitanian (Permian) Kamura cooling event: the beginning of the Paleozoic-Mesozoic transition. Palaeoworld 16, 16-30. pdf
referred to in Illawarra Reversal and Superplume activity, Capitanian

Jasper, A, M Guerra-Sommer, M Cazzulo-Klepzig & R Menegat (2003), The Botrychiopsis genus and its biostratigraphic implications in Southern Paraná Basin. An. Acad. Bras. Ciênc., 75:.513-535.  Asselian.

Kamo, S.L., Czamanske, G.K., Amelin, Y., Fedorenko, V.A., Davis, D.W., and Trofi mov, V.R., 2003, Rapid eruption of Siberian fl ood-volcanic rocks and evidence for coincidence with the Permian-Triassic boundary and mass extinction at 251 Ma: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 214, p. 75–91
referred to in Mass Extinctions

Gillian M. King, 1988, "Anomodontia" Part 17 C, Encyclopedia of Paleoherpetology, Gutsav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart and New York,
referred to in Roadian, Wordian

King, G., 1990. The Dicynodonts: A Study in Palaeobiology. Chapman and Hall, London. 233 pp.
referred to in Wordian

Galina V. Kotlyar and Galina P. Pronina-Nestell, 2005, Report of the committee on the Permian System of Russia, Permophiles - Newsletter of the Subcommission on Permian Stratigraphy Number 46, December 2005 pdf
referred to in Roadian, Wordian, Permian stratigraphy

H. W. Kozur, 1998, "Some aspects of the Permian-Triassic boundary (PTB) and of the possible causes for the biotic crisis around this boundary", in Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeocology 143, pp.227-72
referred to in Permian stratigraphy

Kurkin, Andrey A, 2001, New Dicynodonts from Eastern Europe, ( NAPC Abstracts, Ka - Ku - Berkeley, California )
referred to in Permian stratigraphy

Liu, J.; Rubidge, B; and Li, J. (2009). "New basal synapsid supports Laurasian origin for therapsids" (PDF). Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 54 (3): 393–400.
referred to in Permian stratigraphy, Roadian, Wordian

Lozovsky, V. R., 1998. Permian-Triassic boundary in the continental series of Eurasia, in Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 143: pp. 273-283.
referred to in Permian stratigraphy

LOZOVSKY, V. A. 2005. Olson’s gap or Olson’s bridge: that is the question. In: LUCAS, S. G. & ZEIGLER, K. E. (eds) The Nonmarine Permian. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin 30, 179–184.
referred to in Roadian

Lucas, S.G., 2004, A global hiatus in the Middle Permian tetrapod fossil record: Stratigraphy, v. 1, p. 47-64. (Adobe Reader format- PDF) -
referred to in Kungurian, Roadian, Wordian, Stratigraphy

LUCAS, S. G., 2006, Global Permian tetrapod biostratigraphy and biochronology, in, LUCAS, S. G., CASSINIS, G. & SCHNEIDER, J. W. (eds) 2006. Non-Marine Permian Biostratigraphy and Biochronology. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 265, 65–93.
referred to in Kungurian, Roadian, Wordian, Stratigraphy

LUCAS, S. G., 2009, Timing and magnitude of tetrapod extinctions across the Permo-Triassic boundary. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences Volume 36, Issue 6, Pages 491-502 abstract
referred to in Mass Extinctions, Illawarra Reversal and Superplume activity

LUCAS, S. G., 2009, Global Middle Permian Reptile Mass Extinction: the Dinocephalian Extinction Event, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 41, No. 7, p. 360 abstract
referred to in Mass Extinctions, Illawarra Reversal and Superplume activity

Max Minikh, Edward Molostovskij, Iya Molostovskaya, Alla Minikh, and Alexander Grishanov, 2008, New data on the Middle-Upper Permian magnetic-biostratigraphic boundary in the east European platform. International Geological Congress Olso 2008 (HPS-05 Recent developments in the Geologic Timescale) abstract, mirror
referred to in Permian stratigraphy

E. A. Molostovskii, 2005, "Magnetostratigraphic Correlation of Upper Permian Marine and Continental Formations", Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation - Vol. 13, No. 1, January-February 2005, pp. 49-58 abstract
referred to in Permian stratigraphy

Mei, S-L, CM Henderson & YG Jin (2004?), Permian conodont provincialism, zonation and global correlation, published on line by the Applied Stratigraphy Research Group of the University of Calgary, Dept Geology & Geophysics. Asselian.

Everett C. Olson, 1952, "The Evolution of a Permian Vertebrate Chronofauna" - Evolution6: 181-196, June 1952
referred to in Kungurian

Everett C. Olson, 1962, "Late Permian Terrestrial Vertebrates, USA and USSR", Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia, vol 52 part 2
referred to in Roadian, Wordian, , and Permian stratigraphy

Everett C. Olson, 19, "The Family Caseidae",
referred to in Artinskian and Kungurian

Robert R. Reisz, Pelycosauria, Encyclopedia of Paleoherpetology, Part 17A, 1986, Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart and New York
check for availability at Amazon
referred to in Asselian, Sakmarian, Artinskian, and Kungurian

Robert R. Reisz and Michel Laurin, Reply, Geological Society of America Bulletin, September 2002 pdf - Reply to Spencer Lucas regarding the age of the Chickasha Formation
referred to in Roadian, Permian stratigraphy

Retallack, G.J., 2005, Permian greenhouse crises, in Lucas, S.G. and Ziegler, K.E., ed., The nonmarine Permian. Bulletin New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science 30, 256-269.
referred to in Mass Extinctions, Illawarra Reversal and Superplume activity, Changhsingian

G. J. Retallack, R. M.H. Smith, and P. D. Ward, Vertebrate extinction across Permian-Triassic boundary in Karoo Basin, South Africa, Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, September 1, 2003; 115(9): 1133 - 1152.
referred to in Changhsingian

Gregory J. Retallack, Christine A. Metzger, Tara Greaver, A. Hope Jahren, Roger M.H. Smith and Nathan D. Sheldon, Middle-Late Permian mass extinction on land, GSA Bulletin; November 2006; v. 118; no. 11-12; p. 1398-1411
referred to in Mass Extinctions, Illawarra Reversal and Superplume activity, Changhsingian

Rigby, JF (1998), Upper paleozoic floras of SE Asia, in R Hall & JE Holloway [eds.], Biogeography and Geological Evolution of SE Asia.  Backhuys Publ. pp. 73-82. Asselian.

Alfred S. Romer and Llewellyn I. Price, 1940, Review of the Pelycosauria : Geological Society of American Special Papers, No 28 - classic monograph on the Pelycosauria -
check for availability at Amazon
referred to in Asselian, Sakmarian, Artinskian, and Kungurian

Rubidge, Bruce C., 1991, A New Primitive Dinocephalian Mammal-Like Reptile from the Permian of South Africa, Palaeontology Vol.34, part 3, pp.547-559
referred to in Wordian

Rubidge, B. S. 1995. Biostratigraphy of the Eodicynodon Assemblage zone. In: RUBIDGE B. S. (ed.) Biostratigraphy of the Beaufort Group (Karoo Supergroup). South African Committee for Stratigraphy, Biostratigraphic Series, 1, 3–7.
referred to in Wordian

Bruce S. Rubidge 1994, Australosyodon, the first primitive anteosaurid dinocephalian from the Upper Permian of Gondwana, Palaeontology, vol 37, part 3, pp. 579–594 PDF
referred to in Wordian

Shu-zhong Shena, Jun-fang Xieb, Hua Zhanga and G.R. Shic, Roadian–Wordian (Guadalupian, Middle Permian) global palaeobiogeography of brachiopods. Global and Planetary Change Volume 65, Issues 3-4, February 2009, Pages 166-181 abstract
referred to in Wordian

Denise Sigogneau-Russell, 1989, "Theriodontia I - Phthinosuchia, Biarmosuchia, Eotitanosuchia, Gorgonopsia" Part 17 B I, Encyclopedia of Paleoherpetology, Gutsav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart and New York,
referred to in Roadian, Wordian

S. M. Stanley and X. Yang, (1994) A Double Mass Extinction at the End of the Paleozoic Era, Science 25 November 1994: Vol. 266. no. 5189, pp. 1340 - 1344 (abstract).
referred to in Permian Extinction events

Taylor, G.K., Tucker, C., Twitchett, R.J., Kearsey, T., Benton, M.J., Newell, A.J., Surkov, M.V., and Tverdokhlebov, V. P. 2009. Magnetostratigraphy of permian/triassic boundary sequences in the Cis-Urals, Russia: No evidence for a major temporal hiatus. Earth & Planetary Science Letters 281, 36-47. pdf.
referred to in Permian stratigraphy

Valentin P. Tverdokhlebov, Galina I. Tverdokhlebova, Alla V. Minikh, Mikhail V. Surkov, and Michael J. Benton, (2005) Upper Permian vertebrates and their sedimentological context in the South Urals, Russia, Earth-Science Reviews 69 27-77 55 pdf
referred to in Permian stratigraphy, Roadian, Wordian, Capitanian, Wuchiapingian, Changhsingian

Peter Douglas Ward, David W. Ehlert (Illustrator), Out of Thin Air: Dinosaurs, Birds, And Earth's Ancient Atmosphere, Joseph Henry Press 2006
referred to in Changhsingian

Peter Douglas Ward, Under a Green Sky: Global Warming, the Mass Extinctions of the Past, and What They Can Tell Us About Our Future, Collins; 2007
referred to in Mass Extinctions

Peter D. Ward, Jennifer Botha, Roger Buick, Michiel O. De Kock, Douglas H. Erwin, Geoffrey H. Garrison, Joseph L. Kirschvink, Roger Smith, "Abrupt and Gradual Extinction Among Late Permian Land Vertebrates in the Karoo Basin, South Africa", Science 4 February 2005: Vol. 307. no. 5710, pp. 709 - 714
referred to in Changhsingian

Rachel Wood 1998, The Ecological Evolution of Reefs - Ann. Rev. Ecol. Syst. 29:179­206
referred to in Capitanian

R. A. Wood, 1998. Reef Evolution. Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press.
referred to in Capitanian

Zhou, M., Malpas, J., Song, X.-Y., Robinson, P.T., Min, S., Kennedy, A.K., Lesher, C.M., and Keays, R.R., 2002, A temporal link between the Emeishan large igneous province (SW China) and the end-Guadalupian mass extinction: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 196, p. 113–122,
referred to in Mass Extinctions


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