Palaeos: Paleozoic Palaeos Ordovician Period
Ordovician period References

Notes & References


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Benton MJ & DAT Harper (1997), Basic Paleontology. Addison Wesley Longman, 342 pp.

Bergström SM & GL Albanesi (2001), Validity of the species name Tripodus laevis Bradshaw 1969. We do not know the exact provenance of this short article.   

Bergstrom SM, A Löfgren & J Maletz (2004), The GSSP of the Second (Upper) Stage of the Lower Ordovician Series: Diabasbrottet at Hunneberg, Province of Västergötland, Southwestern Sweden. Episodes 27: 265-272

Chen X, J-Y Rong, J-X Fan, R-B Zhan, CE Mitchell, DAT Harper, MJ Melchin, P-A Peng, SC Finney & X-F Wang (2006), The global boundary stratotype section and point (GSSP) for the base of the Hirnantian Stage (the uppermost of the Ordovician System)Episodes 29: 183-196

Cocks LRM & TH Torsvik (2002), Earth geography from 500 to 400 million years ago: a faunal and palaeomagnetic review. J. Geol. Soc. Lond. 159: 631-644. 

Cocks LRM & TH Torsvik (2005), Baltica from the late Precambrian to mid-Palaeozoic times: The gain and loss of a terrane’s identity. Earth-Sci. Rev. 72: 39-66. 

Cocks LRM & TH Torsvik (2006), European geography in a global context from the Vendian to the end of the Palaeozoic, in DG Gee & RA Stephenson (eds.), European Lithosphere Dynamics. publ. as Geol. Soc. Mem., 32: 83–95. 

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Ghienne J-F, K Boumendjel, F Paris, B Videt, P Racheboeuf & HA Salem (2007), The Cambrian-Ordovician succession in the Ougarta Range (western Algeria, North Africa) and interference of the Late Ordovician glaciation on the development of the Lower Palaeozoic transgression on northern Gondwana. Bull. Geosci. 82: 183–214.

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Mitchell CE, X Chen, SM Bergström, Y-D Zhang, Z-H Wang, BD Webby & SC Finney (1997), Definition of a global boundary stratotype for the Darriwilian Stage of the Ordovician System. Episodes 20: 158-166.

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Nawrocki J & P Poprawa (2006), Development of Trans-European Suture Zone in Poland: from Ediacaran rifting to Early Palaeozoic accretion. Geol Quart. 50: 59-76.

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Ortega-Obregón C, LA Solari, JD Keppie, F Ortega-Gutiérrez, J Solé & S Morán-Ical (2008), Middle-Late Ordovician magmatism and Late Cretaceous collision in the southern Maya block, Rabinal-Salamá area, central Guatemala: Implications for North America–Caribbean plate tectonics. GSA Bull. (in press).

Paškevičius J (2007), Correlation of the Ordovician regional stages of the Baltic palaeobasin with new global stages. Geologija 57: 30–36. 

Paterson, JR & GA Brock (2003), Early Ordovician orthide brachiopods from Mount Arrowsmith, northwestern New South Wales, AustraliaRec. Aus. Mus. 55: 221–230. 

Peterson KJ (2005), Macroevolutionary interplay between planktic larvae and benthic predators. Geology 33: 929-932. 

Redecker, D, R Kodner & LE Graham (2000), Glomalean fungi from the OrdovicianScience 289: 1920-1921. 

Sansom, IJ & DK Elliott (2002), A thelodont from the Ordovician of Canada, J. Vert. Paleontol. 22: 867–870. 

Sansom IJ, MM Smith & MP Smith (1996), Scales of thelodont and shark-like fishes from the Ordovician of Colorado. Nature 379: 628-630. 

Sansom IJ, MM Smith & MP Smith (2001), The Ordovician radiation of vertebrates, in PE Ahlberg (ed.) Major Events in Early Vertebrate Evolution. Taylor & Francis. pp. 156-171.

Schätz MR (2004), Palaeozoic Geography and Palaeomagnetism of the Central European Variscan and Alpine Fold Belts. Unpub Ph.D. dissertation, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München. 124 pp.

Schmitz B, DAT Harper, B Peucker-Ehrenbrink, S Stouge, C Alwmark, A Cronholm, SM Bergström, M Tassinari & X-F Wang (2008), Asteroid breakup linked to the Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event. Nature Geosci. 1: 49-53.

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Stanley, SM (1998), Earth System History.  WH Freeman & Co., 615 pp.  

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Tetlie OE (2007), Distribution and dispersal history of Eurypterida (Chelicerata). Palaeogeog. Palaeoclimat. Palaeoecol. 252: 557-574. 

Torsvik, TH & LRM Cocks (2004), Earth geography from 400 to 250 Ma: a palaeomagnetic, faunal and facies reviewJ. Geol. Soc. 161: 555-572.  

Tychsen A & DAT Harper (2004), Ordovician-Silurian Distribution of Orthida (Palaeozoic Brachiopoda) in the Greater Iapetus Ocean Region. Pal. Elect. 7, 15pp.

Vannier J, PR.Racheboeuf, ED Brussa, M Williams, AWA Rushton, T Servais & DJ Siveter (2003), Cosmopolitan arthropod zooplankton in the Ordovician seas. Palaeogeog. Palaeoclimat. Palaeoecol. 195: 173-191. 

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Wang X-F, Z-H Li, X-H Chen & C-S Wang (2003), The conodonts succession from the Lower Dawan Formation of Huanghuachang section, Yichang, China, in GL Albanesi, MS Beresi & SH Peralta (eds.), Ordovician from Andes. INSUGEO, Serie Correlación Geológica, 17: 161-166.

Wang X-F, S Stouge, B-D Erdtmann, X-H Chen, Z-H Li, C-S Wang, Q-L Zeng, Z-Q Zhou & H-M Chen (2005), A proposed GSSP for the base of the Middle Ordovician Series: the Huanghuachang section, Yichang, China. Episodes 28: 105-117.  

Webby BD (2004a), Introduction in BD Webby, F Paris, ML Droser & IG Percival (eds.), The Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event. Columbia Univ. Press, pp. 1-37. 

Webby BD (2004), Stromatoporoids in BD Webby, F Paris, ML Droser & IG Percival (eds.), The Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event. Columbia Univ. Press, pp. 112-118.  

Zhang Y-D & X Chen (2003), The Early–Middle Ordovician graptolite sequence of the Upper Yangtze region, South China, in GL Albanesi, MS Beresi & SH Peralta (eds.), Ordovician from Andes. INSUGEO, Serie Correlación Geológica, 17: 28


[1]  The "top five" are, more or less in order, the end-Permian, the Ordovician Ice Age, the KT, the Frasnian-Famennian events, and the end-Jurassic.  In our opinion, the last two scarcely count.  The Frasnian-Famennian extinctions actually began in the Middle Devonian and were too diffuse to be treated as a single event.  The end-Jurassic was a case of accelerated turnover, with scarcely any decrease in overall diversity. 

[2] Hence the name of the Floian. To be fair, the name could have been worse. The main competitor of Flo for the stratotype section was "The Ledge" on the Cow Head Peninsula of Newfoundland. 

[3] The graptolites did not become extinct at that time -- or perhaps ever.  We haven't done our homework on this one, but there is respectable opinion that the graptolites include the living pterobranch worms.  See, for example, the citations at Certainly, the graptolites lasted into the Mississippian

[4] "... notre pays, réputé ingouvernable, capricieux, schizophrčne ..." Yves Thréard, Le Figaro (Paris) 22/02/08. Bien sűr, avec raison, et depuis longtemps...

[5] B. triangularis had also been considered and rejected in favor of T. laevis during the 1995 selection of the Middle Ordovician guide event. Wang et al. (2005).

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