Palaeos Palaeos Ephemeroptera
Arthropoda Dendrogram

Ephemeroptera Dendrogram

Abbreviated Dendrogram


The following dendrogram is copied verbatum from the dendrogram on Palaeos org by Christopher Taylor. It doesn't cover the phylogeny of crown-group ephemeroptera. MAK120521

Ephemeroptera Dendrogram

 EPHEMEROPTERA  [Ephemerida, Euephemeroptera]
   |  i. s.: Tintorina Krzeminski & Lombardo 2001 [Tintoriniidae]
   |           `--*T. meridensis Krzeminski & Lombardo 2001 (see below for synonymy)
   |         Litophlebia [Litophlebiidae, Xenophlebiidae]
   |           `--L. optata (Riek 1976) [=Xenophlebia oplata]
   |         Torephemeridae
   |           |--Archaeobehningia
   |           `--Torephemera
   |         Blasturophlebia
   |         Brevitibia
   |         Cronicus
   |         Siphoplecton
   |         Philolimnias
   |         Turingopteryx Kuhn 1937
   |         Geisfeldiella
   |         Aphelophlebodes
   |         Siphangarus
   |         Bolbonyx ludibriosus
   |         Mesopalingea lerida
   |         Cratoligoneuriella
   |         Povilla adusta
   |         Stenonema interpunctatum
   |           |--S. i. interpunctatum
   |           |--S. i. canadense
   |           |--S. i. frontale
   |           `--S. i. heterotarsale
   |         Sharephemera Sinitshenkova 2002 [Sharephemeridae]
   |           `--*S. cubitalis Sinitshenkova 2002
   |         Siphlonisca aerodromia
   |    |  i. s.: Triassomachilis Sharov 1948
   |    |         Turphanella Demoulin 1954
   |    |         Mesogenesia Tshernova 1977
   |    |         Clephemera Lin 1986
   |    |--Ephemerina  (extant mayflies and their immediate ancestors) 
   |    `--Baetiscina [Posteritorna]
   |         |--Baetisca [Baetiscidae]
   |         `--Myanmarella [Prosopistomatidae]
   |              `--M. rossi
   `--Protereismatina [Permoplectoptera]
        |  i. s.: Phtharthus netshaevi Handlirsch 1904 [incl. P. rossicus Handlirsch 1904]
        |--Oboriphlebia [Oboriphlebiidae]
        |--Jarmila [Jarmilidae]
        |--Mesoplectopteron [Mesoplectopteridae]
        |--Palingeniopsis [Palingeniopsidae]
        |    `--P. praecox
        |--Misthodotes [Misthodotidae]
        |    `--M. sharovi
        |--Protereismatidae [Kukalovidae]
        |    |--Protereisma latum
        |    `--Kukalova americana

*Tintorina meridensis Krzeminski & Lombardo 2001 [=T. triassica Krzeminski & Lombardo 2001 (n. n.)]

*Type species of generic name indicated


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Krzeminski, W., & C. Lombardo. 2001. New fossil Ephemeroptera and Coleoptera from the Ladinian (Middle Triassic) of Canton Ticino (Switzerland). Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia 107 (1): 69-78.

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Sinitshenkova, N. D. 2002a. Ecological history of the aquatic insects. In History of Insects (A. P. Rasnitsyn & D. L. J. Quicke, eds.) pp. 388-426. Kluwer Academic Publishers: Dordrecht.

Sinitshenkova, N. D. 2002b. New late Mesozoic mayflies from the Shar-Teeg locality, Mongolia (Insecta, Ephemerida = Ephemeroptera). Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal 2002 (3): 43-48 (transl. Paleontological Journal 36 (3): 270-276).

Terry, M. D., & M. F. Whiting. 2005. Mantophasmatodea and phylogeny of the lower neopterous insects. Cladistics 21: 240-257.

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