Palaeos Palaeos Arthropoda
Metazoa Dendrogram


Abbreviated Dendrogram


The following provisional dendrogram is by Christopher Taylor and is copied without modification from Palaeos org. It is intended at some point to upgrade it

Due to limitations of time, rthis page has not been formatted (hence no italics etc) MAK120512

Arthropoda (see below for synonymy)
   |  i. s.: Dictyocaris Salter 1860
   |         Urokodia Hou, Chen & Lu 1989
   |         Tontoia Walcott 1912
   |         Retifacies Hou, Chen & Lu 1989
   |         Rhombicalvaria Hou 1987
   |         Helmetia Walcott 1917
   |         Corcorania Jell 1980
   |         Serracaris Briggs 1978
   |           `--S. lineata [=Anomalocaris lineata]
   |         Cambropodus gracilis
   |         Protocaris Walcott 1884
   |         Achanarraspis Anderson et al. 2000
   |         Arthrogyrinus Wilson & Almond 2001
   |           `--*A. platyurus Wilson & Almond 2001
   |--Sidneyia Walcott 1911 [Limulavida, Sidneyidea]
   |    `--S. inexpectans
      `--+--Yohoiidea [Protochelicerata, Yohoiidacea]
         |    |--Jiangfengia Hou 1987 [Jianfengiida]
         |    `--Yohoia Walcott 1912 [Yohoiida]
         |         `--Y. tenuis
         `--+--Sanctacaris Briggs & Collins 1988 [Sanctacarida, Sanctacaridea]
            |    |--‘Utahcaris’ orion Conway Morris & Robison 1988
            |    `--Sanctacaris uncata Briggs & Collins 1988
               |  `--+--Occacaris
               |     `--+--Clypecaris
               |        `--+--+--Pectocaris
               |           |  `--Fuxianhuiida [Fuxianhuiata]
               |           |       |--Fuxianhuia protensa Hou 1987
               |           |       `--Changjiangocaris longiformis Hou & Bergström 1991
               |           `--Canadaspidida
               |                |  i. s.: Rehbachiella kinnekullensis Müller 1983
               |                |--Perspicaris Briggs 1977
               |                `--+--Canadaspis Novoshilov 1960
               |                   |    `--C. perfecta (Walcott 1912)
               |                   `--Brachiocaridea
               |                        |--Odaraia Walcott 1912 [Odaraiata, Odaraiida]
               |                        |    `--O. alata
               |                        `--Branchiocaris Briggs 1976 (see below for synonymy)
               |                             `--B. pretiosa (Resser 1929) [=Protocaris pretiosa]
               `--Euarthropoda [Emeraldellacea]
                    `--+--Emeraldella Walcott 1912 [Emeraldellida]
                          `--Mandibulata [Antennata, Atelocerata, Biantennata, Tracheata]
                               |  i. s.: Euthycarcinoidea [Archicopepoda, Euthycarcinata]
                               |           |  i. s.: Synaustrus brookvalensis (Riek 1964)
                               |           |         Schramixerxes gerem (Schram & Rolfe 1982)
                               |           |         Kalbarria brimmellae
                               |           |--Sottixeriformes
                               |           |    |--Pieckoxerxes piekoae (Schram & Rolfe 1982)
                               |           |    `--Sottyxerxes multiplex Schram & Rolfe 1982
                               |           `--Euthycarciniformes
                               |                |  i. s.: Euthycarcinus
                               |                |           |--E. ibbenburensis
                               |                |           `--E. kessleri Handlirsch 1914
                               |                `--Kottixerxidae
                               |                     |--Kottixerxes Schram 1971
                               |                     |    |--*K. gloriosus Schram 1971
                               |                     |    `--K. anglicus Wilson & Almond 2001
                               |                     `--Smithixerxes Schram & Rolfe 1982
                               |                          |--*S. juliarum Schram & Rolfe 1982
                               |                          `--S. pustulosus Wilson & Almond 2001
                               |         Marrellomorpha
                               |           |--Vachonisia Lehmann 1955 (see below for synonymy)
                               |           `--Marrellidea
                               |                |--Mimetaster Gurich 1931 (see below for synonymy)
                               |                `--Marrella Walcott 1912 [Marrellata, Marrellida]
                               |                     `--M. splendens
                               `--Pancrustacea [Tetraconata]


Arthropoda [Burgessidea, Canadaspididea, Cheliceromorpha, Emeraldellidea, Euthycarcinomorpha, Merostomoidea, Schizoramia, Trilobitoidea, Trilobitomorpha] Branchiocaris Briggs 1976 [Branchiocarata, Branchiocarida] Mimetaster Gurich 1931 [Mimetasterata, Mimetasterida] Vachonisia Lehmann 1955 [Vachonisiata, Vachonisiida]

* Type species of genus indicated


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dendrogram and references CKT070908