Palaeos Palaeos Phylogenetic nomenclature
Taxonomy Phylogenetic nomenclature

Phylogenetic Nomenclature

Phylogenetic nomenclature is a new system of classification, based on based on cladistics and phylogenetic relationships, and intended as a replacement for the venerable Linnaean system. While enthusiastically proposed by some systematists, especially in the field of vertebrate systematics and paleontology (and particularily in mapping out the phylogeny of "amphibians"/tetrapods, "reptiles"/amniotes, dinosaurs and birds), it has yet to catch on in the wider scientific community, and even among vertebrate paleontologists there are those who propose retaining the Linnaean system, arguing that the two approaches can work together. The matter remains controversial and unlikely to be resolved soon (see e.g. papers by Michael Benton of Briston University (Stems, nodes, crown clades, and rank-free lists: is Linnaeus dead? and The Phylocode: Beating a dead horse?), criticism thereof, and a rather badly formatted Phylocode Debate). MAK120126


The PhyloCode - website of the The International Code of Phylogenetic Nomenclature; Phylogenetic Nomenclature and the PhyloCode by Kevin de Queiroz, 2001 (pdf); Pushing Phylocode - Discover Magazine; Wikipedia

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