Palaeos: Paleozoic Palaeos Middle Ordovician Epoch
Ordovician period Darriwilian Age
(Late Arenig & Llanvirn)

The Darriwilian (Late Arenig & Llanvirn)

The Darriwilian Age of the Middle Ordovician Epoch: 468 to 461 million years ago

Marine Invertebrates


Ogyginus corndensis
Ogyginus corndensis
Llandilo, Wales
Found in the Llandeilo flags in great profusion
collected by Tom Levinson
Length: 10 cm


Canadocystis emmonsi
Canadocystis emmonsi


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page uploaded 8 June 2002
modified ATW080302
checked ATW050511
(original page uploaded on Kheper site 15 October 1998)

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