Malacostraca | ||
Arthropoda | Peracarida |
Arthropoda | Eumalacostraca
└─► |
Ostracoda | None |
Decapoda |
Abbreviated Dendrogram
│ ├─Pygocephalomorpha
│ └─┬─Mysida
│ └─┬─Amphipoda
│ └─Isopoda
Overview |
Taxa on This Page
From the Devonian
Phylogeny: Eumalacostraca : Syncarida + Eucarida + * : Pygocephalomorpha + Mysida + (Amphipoda + Isopoda)
Characters: Carapace, when present, leaving at least four of the thoracic somites distinct ; first thoracic somite always fused with the head. Eyes pedincidate or sessile. Oostegites attached to some or all of the thoracic limbs in the female, forming a brood pouch. - Zittel & Eastman 1913
Comments: Small, mainly marine forms in which the test, if present, consists of four free thoracic segments and a carapace - Twenhofel & Shrock 1935
Carboniferous to Permian.
Phylogeny: Peracarida : (Mysida + (Amphipoda + Isopoda)) + *
Comments: A number of Carboniferous forms, such as Pygocephalus (English Late Carboniferous), Crangopsis (Early Carboniferous of Scotland and Kentucky), Anthrapalaemon (illustrated) Pseudogalathea, Tealliocaris, and Palaemysis probably belong here. Part of the Paleozoic paraphyletic basal Eumalacostraca group Eocarida
Illustration: Anthrapalaemon gracilis, Carboniferous of Illinois, from Zittel & Eastman 1913
Links: life reconstruction of Tealliocaris
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