Palaeos Palaeos Glires
Vertebrates Dendrogram

Glires: Dendrogram

Abreviated Dendrogram
   |  |--Anagalidae
   |  `--Pseudictopidae

Crown Group Glires


Dendrogram from ATW and CKT120129

   |--Anagaloidea MH
   |  |--Anagalidae
   |  `--Pseudictopidae
   `--Glires  [Mixodontia]
      |--Simplicidentata [Rodentiaformes, Rodentiamorpha] AM05
      |    |--Marfilomys MHL03
      |    |--RODENTIA MHL03
      |    `--Alagomyidae MHL03
      |         |--Alagomys MHL03
      |         `--Tribosphenomys MHL03
      |              |--T. minutus WR03
      |              `--T. secundus WR03
      `--Duplicidentata [Lagomorphamorpha, Mimotonida, Mimotonidae] AM05
           |  i. s.: Anatolmylus MHL03
           |         Mytonolagus B74
           |--+--Gomphos elkema AM05
           |  `--+--Mimolagus rodens Bohlin 1951 AM05, MHL03
           |     |--Mimotona wana AM05, WR07
           |     `--+--Desmatolagus AM05
           |        `--Neolagomorpha A99
           |             |--Lagomorpha AM05 MH
           |             `--Palaeolagus Leidy 1856 AM05, A99 [Palaeolagida, Palaeolaginae]
           |                  `--P. haydeni MHL03
           `--Eurymylidae MHL03
                |  i. s.: Zagmys [Zagmyinae] MHL03
                |         Nikolomylus MHL03
                |         Aktashmys MHL03
                |         Khaychina [Khaychininae] MHL03
                |         Hypsimylus [Hypsimylinae] MHL03
                |--Heomys AM05
                `--Eurymylinae MHL03
                     |  i. s.: Asiaparamys MHL03
                     |         Kazygurtia MHL03
                     |         Eomylus MHL03
                     |         Amar MHL03
                     |         Decipomys MHL03
                     |--Eurymylus Matthew & Granger 1925 AM05, MHL03 [incl. Baenomys Matthew & Granger 1925 MHL03]
                     |    `--*E. laticeps Matthew & Granger 1925 [incl. *Baenomys ambiguus Matthew & Granger 1925] MHL03
                     `--Rhombomylidae MHL03
                         |--Matutinia nitidulus [=Rhombomylus nitidulus] MHL03
                         `--Rhombomylus Zhai 1978 AM05, MHL03
                             `--*R. turpanensis Zhai 1978 [incl. R. laianensis Zhai et al. 1976] MHL03

*Type species of generic name indicated


[AM05] Asher, R. J., J. Meng, J. R. Wible, M. C. McKenna, G. W. Rougier, D. Dashzeveg & M. J. Novacek. 2005. Stem Lagomorpha and the antiquity of Glires. Science 307: 1091-1094.

[A99] Averianov, A. O. 1999. Phylogeny and classification of Leporidae (Mammalia, Lagomorpha). Vestnik Zoologii 33 (1-2): 41-48.

[B74] Bugge, J. 1974. The cephalic arterial system in insectivores, primates, rodents and lagomorphs, with special reference to the systematic classification. Acta Anatomica 87 (Suppl 62): 1-160.

[MHL03] Meng, J., Y. Hu & C. Li. 2003. The osteology of Rhombomylus (Mammalia, Glires): Implications for phylogeny and evolution of Glires. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 275: 1-247.

[WR07] Wible, J. R., G. W. Rougier, M. J. Novacek & R. J. Asher. 2007. Cretaceous eutherians and Laurasian origin for placental mammals near the K/T boundary. Nature 447: 1003-1006.

checked ATW040121, revised MAK120316