Palaeos Palaeos Evolutionary systematics
Systematics Evolutionary systematics

Evolutionary systematics

Phylogeny through deep time

A comparison of phylogenetic and phenetic concepts - diagram from Wikimedia

From Wikipedia: Diagram illustrating phylogenetic (evolutionary history) and phenetic (morphological or phenomic features) concepts. Evolutionary systematics shows how species can diverge through geographic isolation and genetic drift. Graphic by L. Shyamal, public domain.

Evolutionary systematics combines Linnaean classification with ancestor-descendent relationships (phylogeny, evolution) through deep time, emphasising the stratigraphic sequence in the fossil record. Emphasis is placed on supra-specific taxa, such as orders or classes, rather than on species, and paleontology is as important if not more important than neontology. The emphasis is equally on "horizontal" similarity and "vertical" phylogeny. For this reason, generalised ancestral groups are frequently shown in spindle diagrams (""romerograms"), from which later groups radiated. MAK111014

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