Palaeos Palaeos Aculifera
Mollusca References

Aculifera: References

Abbreviated Dendrogram
|  |==Mattheviidae
|  |--Phthipodochiton
|  `--+==Heloplacidae   (Aplacophora)
|     |  |--Solenogastres
|     |  `--Caudofoveata
|     `--Polyplacophora


Barnes, RD (1980), Invertebrate Zoology, Saunders College  [more recent edition Invertebrate Zoology by EE Ruppert and RD Barnes.

Bergström, J (1989), The Origin of Animal Phyla and the New Phylum Procoelomata, Lethaia 22: 259-69.  

Blumrich J. (1891). Das Integument der Chitonen. Zeitschrift für Wissenschaftliche Zoologie 52, 404– 476 , plates 23–30 [foreword by B. Hatscheck].

Cherns, L. (2004). "Early Palaeozoic diversification of chitons (Polyplacophora, Mollusca) based on new data from the Silurian of Gotland, Sweden". Lethaia 37 (4): 445–456. DOI:10.1080/00241160410002180.

Cherns, L. 2007 Early Palaeozoic diversification of chitons (Polyplacophora, Mollusca) based on new data from the Silurian of Gotland, Sweden Lethaia, Volume 37, Issue 4, pages 445–456, December 2004, DOI: 10.1080/00241160410002180
Aculifera - Fossil Record, Heloplacidae

Cohen, B. L., Holmer, L. E. & Lu¨ ter, C. 2003 The brachiopod fold: a neglected body plan hypothesis. Palaeontology 46, 59–65. (doi:10.1111/1475-4983.00287)
The Aculifera hypothesis

S.K. Donovan, M.D. Sutton & J.D. Sigwart (2011) The last meal of the Late Ordovician mollusc 'Helminthochiton' thraivensis Reed, 1911, from the Lady Burn Starfish Beds, southwest Scotland, Geological Journal, 2011, Vol:46, Pages:451-463, ISSN:0072-1050

Glaubrecht, G., Maitas, L. & Salvini-Plawen L.v. (2005) Aplacophoran Mollusca in the Natural History Museum Berlin. An annotated catalogue of Thiele's type specimens, with a brief review of "Aplacophora". Mitteilungen aus der Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin – Zoologische Reihe 81, 145-166., pdf

Gofas, S. (nd). Aculifera. Accessed through: World Register of Marine Species at on 2012-06-07 Creative Commons Attribution

Haszprunar, G. (2000), Is the Aplacophora monophyletic? A cladistic point of view. Amer. Malac. Bull. 15: 115-130.
Aculifera, Caudofoveata

Hoare, R. D., and J. Pojeta, Jr. 2006 Ordovician Polyplacophora (Mollusca) from North American. Paleontological Society Memoir 64, 27 pp. pdf

Kocot, K.M., J.T. Cannon, C. Todt, M.R. Citarella, A.B. Kohn, A.Meyer, S.R. Santos, C. Schander, L.L. Moroz, B. Lieb, K.M. Halanych. 2011. Phylogenomics reveals deep molluscan relationships. Nature. 477:452-457 Supplementary information
The Aculifera hypothesis, Are the Aculifera paraphyletic?, Aculifera

Pojeta J Jr; Vendrasco, M. J.; Darrough G. (2010). "Upper Cambrian chitons (Mollusca, Polyplacophora) from Missouri". Bull Amer Paleo. (379): 1–82. ISSN 007-5779.

Runnegar B. & Pojeta, J. 1974 Molluscan phylogeny: the paleontological viewpoint. Science 186 (4161): pp.311-317

Salvini-Plawen L (1980), A reconsideration of systematics in the Mollusca. (phylogeny and higher classification) Malacologia 19: 249-278.  A suggested phylogenetic coverage from the neontological perspective.  www
Are the Aculifera paraphyletic?, Caudofoveata, Solenogastres

Scheltema, Amélie H. 1993. Aplacophora as progenetic aculiferans and the coelomate origin of mollusks as the sister taxon of Sipuncula. Biological Bulletin, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole 184(1): 57-78., available online at pdf

Sigwart, J.D., and M.D. Sutton. 2007. Deep molluscan phylogeny: Synthesis of palaeontological and neontological data. Proceedings of the Royal Society (London) B (Biological sciences) 274 (1624): 2413–2419. doi:10.1098/rspb.2007.0701. PMC 2274978. PMID 17652065. For a summary, see "The Mollusca". University of California Museum of Paleontology., 274: 2413-2419. www suppl
The Aculifera hypothesis, Are the Aculifera paraphyletic?, Aculifera, Phthipodochiton

Smith, S. A., N. G. Wilson, F. E. Goetz, C. Feehery, S. C. S. Andrade, G. W. Rouse, G. Giribet, C. W. Dunn. 2011. Resolving the evolutionary relationships of molluscs with phylogenomic tools. Nature. doi:10.1038/nature10526.
The Aculifera hypothesis, Are the Aculifera paraphyletic?, Aculifera

Stasek C., 1972. The molluscan framework. In: Florkin, M., Scheer, B.T. (Eds.), Chemical Zoology, vol. 7, pp. 1–44.

Steiner G. & Dreyer, H. 2003 Molecular phylogeny of Scaphopoda (Mollusca) inferred from 18S rDNA sequences: support for a Scaphopoda-Cephalopoda clade. Zoologica Scripta 32: 343-356.

Steiner, G. & Salvini-Plawen, L. (2001). "Acaenoplax—polychaete or mollusc?". Nature 414 (6864): 601–602; discussion 602. DOI:10.1038/414601a. ISSN 0028-0836. PMID 11740549.

Stinchcomb, B. L. & Darrough, G. (1995). "Some Molluscan Problematica from the Upper Cambrian. Lower Ordovician of the Ozark Uplift". Journal of Paleontology (Paleontological Society) 69 (1): 52–65. DOI:10.2307/1306279 (inactive 2009-03-02). ISSN 00223360. JSTOR 1306279

Sutton MD, Briggs DE, Siveter DJ, Siveter DJ. 2001, An exceptionally preserved vermiform mollusc from the Silurian of England". Nature 410 (6827): 461–463. Mar 2001. DOI:10.1038/35068549. ISSN 0028-0836. PMID 11260711.

Sutton, M.; Briggs, D. E. G.; Siveter, D. J.; Siveter, D. J. (2001b). "Acaenoplax—polychaete or mollusc?". Nature 414 (6864): 602. DOI:10.1038/414602a.

Sutton, M. D.; Briggs, D. E. G.; Siveter, D. J.; Siveter, D. J. (2004). "Computer reconstruction and analysis of the vermiform mollusc Acaenoplax hayae from the Herefordshire Lagerstatte (Silurian, England), and implications for molluscan phylogeny". Palaeontology 47 (2): 293–318. DOI:10.1111/j.0031-0239.2004.00374.x.
Acaenoplax, Heloplacidae

Sutton MD & Sigwart JD, 2012, A chiton without a foot, Palaeontology, Vol:55, Pages:401-411,
Are the Aculifera paraphyletic?, Phthipodochiton

Michael J. Vendrasco and Bruce Runnegar, 2004, Late Cambrian and Early Ordovician stem group chitons (Mollusca: Polyplacophora) from Utah and Missouri, Journal of Paleontology, July 2004, v. 78, p. 675-689

Vinther, J. 2009 The canal system in sclerites of Lower Cambrian Sinosachites (Halkieriidae: Sachitida): significance for the molluscan affinities of the sachitids. Palaeontology 52, 689–712. doi:10.1111/J.1475-4983. 2009.00881.X) pdf
Aculifera - Fossil Record

Vinther, J. & Briggs, D.E.G. 2009: Machaeridian locomotion. Lethaia, Vol. 42, pp. 357-364. pdf
The Aculifera hypothesis

Vinther, J. & Nielsen, C. (2005). The Early Cambrian Halkieria is a mollusc. — Zoologica Scripta, 34, 81-89. doi:10.1111/j.1463-6409.2005.00177.x pdf
Aculifera - Fossil Record

Vinther, J.; Sperling, E. A.; Briggs, D. E. G.; Peterson, K. J. (2011). "A molecular palaeobiological hypothesis for the origin of aplacophoran molluscs and their derivation from chiton-like ancestors". Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. doi:10.1098/rspb.2011.1773. published ahead of print October 5, 2011, 1471-2954 online, suppl
The Aculifera hypothesis, Are the Aculifera paraphyletic?, Aculifera

Vinther, Jakob; Van Roy, P; Briggs, DE (2008). "Machaeridians are Palaeozoic armoured annelids". Nature 451 (7175): 185–8. Bibcode 2008Natur.451..185V. DOI:10.1038/nature06474. PMID 18185586.
The Aculifera hypothesis

Walossek, D. & Müller, K. J. 1998. Cambrian 'Orsten'-type arthropods and the phylogeny of Crustacea. In Fortey, R. R. & Thomas, R. (eds.): Arthropod relationships, Systematics Association Special Volume 55, 139-153. Chapman & Hall, London.
Are the Aculifera paraphyletic?

K. A. von Zittel, & Eastman C. R. Text Book of Paleontology edited by C. R. Eastman adapted from German of K. A. von Zittel, 2nd edition revised and enlarged by the editor in collaboration with the following named specialists: R.S. Bassler, W. H. Dall, C. D. Walcott. Volume 1. MacMillan & Co., London. xii + 839 pp. Internet Archive

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