Palaeos Palaeos Decapoda
Arthropoda References

Abbreviated Dendrogram


Abele, L.G. & B.E. Felgenhauer 1986. Phylogenetic and phenetic relationships among the lower Decapoda. – Journal of Crustacean Biology 6: 385–400.
Decapoda - Phylogeny

Ahyong, S.T. (2009) The Polychelidan lobsters: Phylogeny and systematics (Polychelida: Polychelidae). In: Martin, J.W., K.A. Crandall, and D.L. Felder (eds.) Decapod Crustacean Phylogenetics. Crustacean Issues. Koenemann, S. (series ed.) Vol. 18. Boca Raton, London, New York: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group. Pp. 369–396 pdf
Coleiidae, Eryonidae, Eryonoidea, Eryonoidea (taxon), Palaeopentacheles, Polychelidae, Tetrachela

Ahyong ST, O'Meally D (2004) Phylogeny of the Decapoda Reptantia: resolution using three molecular loci and morphology. The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, 52, 673–693 pdf
Anomura, Decapoda - Phylogeny, Hippoidea,

Ax, P. 2000. Muticellular Animals: the phylogenetic system of the Metazoa vol. 2. Springer.

Bakel, B.W.M. VAN, R.H.B. Fraaije, J.W.M. Jagt & P. Artal 2008. An unexpected diversity in Late Jurassic hermit crabs (Crustacea, Decapoda, Anomura) in Central Europe. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen 250(2): 137–156.

Barnes, R. D. 1980. Invertebrate Zoology (4th ed.) Saunders College/Holt, Rinehart and Wilson, Philadelphia, PA. , pp 1089

Bracken, H.D., A. Toon, D.L. Felder, J.W. Martin, M. Finley, J. Rasmussen, F. Palero, and K.A. Crandall (2009) The decapod tree of life: compiling the data and moving toward a consensus of decapod evolution. Arthropod Systematics & Phylogeny 67(1): 99–116 pdf
Decapoda - Phylogeny

Burkenroad, M.D. 1963. The evolution of the Eucarida (Crustacea, Eumalacostraca), in relation to the fossil record. – Tulane Studies in Geology 2: 1–18.
Decapoda - Phylogeny

Burkenroad, M.D. 1981. The higher taxonomy and evolution of Decapoda (Crustacea). – Transactions of the San Diego Society of Natural History 19: 251–268.
Decapoda - Phylogeny

Jérôme Chablais, Rodney M. Feldmann & Carrie E. Schweitzer (2011). "A new Triassic decapod, Platykotta akaina, from the Arabian shelf of the northern United Arab Emirates: earliest occurrence of the Anomura" (PDF). Paläontologische Zeitschrift 85: 93–102. doi:10.1007/s12542-010-0080-y

Christoffersen, M.L. 1988. Phylogenetic systematics of the Eucarida (Crustacea, Malacostraca). – Revista Brasiliera de Zoologia 5: 325–351.
Decapoda - Phylogeny

Crandall, K.A., J.D. Harris & J.W. Fetzner 2000. The monophyletic origin of freshwater crayfi sh estimated from nuclear and mitochondrial DNA sequences. – Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 267: 1679–1686
Decapoda - Phylogeny

Sammy De Grave, N. Dean Pentcheff, Shane T. Ahyong et al. (2009). "A classification of living and fossil genera of decapod crustaceans". Raffles Bulletin of Zoology Suppl. 21: 1–109.

Dixon, C. J., S. T. Ahyong & F. R. Schram. 2003. A new hypothesis of decapod phylogeny. Crustaceana 76: 935-975. pdf
Decapoda - Phylogeny

Rodney M. Feldmann & Carrie E. Schweitzer (2010). "Is Eocarcinus Withers, 1932, a basal brachyuran?". Journal of Crustacean Biology 30 (2): 241–250. doi:10.1651/09-3230.1

Förster, R. 1985, Evolutionary trends and ecology of Mesozoic decapod crustaceans. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Earth Sciences, 76, 299-304.pdf

Fraaije, R. 2003. The oldest in situ hermit crab from the Lower Cretaceous of Speeton, UK. Paleontology 46(1): 53–57.

Garassino, A. & Schweigert, G. 2006. The Upper Jurassic Solnhofen decapods Crustacean fauna: review of the types from old descriptions. Part I. Infraorders Astacidea, Thalassinidea, Palinura. Mem. Soc. Ital. Sci. Nat. Museo civ. Stor. Nat Milano 34: 1-64

Glaessner, M.F. 1969. Decapoda. In: Moore, R.C. (ed.), Arthropoda 4. Part R, vol. 2. Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology: 399-533. Lawrence: Geological Society of America and University of Kansas Press.
Anomura - Fossil record, Coleiidae, Tetrachela

Guinot, D., & M. Tavares. 2001. Une nouvelle famille de crabes du Crétacé, et la notion de Podotremata Guinot, 1977 (Crustacea, Decapoda, Brachyura). Zoosystema 23 (3): 507-546.

Holthuis, L.B. 1980, FAO species catalogue. Vol. 1. Shrimps and Prawns of the World. An Annotated Catalogue of Species of Interest to Fisheries . Rome, 1980. WWW

Holthuis, L.B. 1991, FAO species catalogue. Vol. 13. Marine lobsters of the world. An annotated and illustrated catalogue of species of interest to fisheries known to date. FAO Fisheries Synopsis. No. 125, Vol. 13. Rome, FAO. 1991. 292 p. WWW
Eryonoidea or Polychelida?, Palinuridae, Polychelidae, Scyllaridae

John W. M. Jagt, Barry W. M. van Bake, Rene H. B. Fraaije, and Christian Neumann, 2006. In situ fossil hermit crabs (Paguroidea) from northwest Europe and Russia. Preliminary data on new records Rev. mex. cienc. geol v.23 n.3 WWW

M. Krobicki & M. Zaton (2008). "Middle and Late Jurassic roots of brachyuran crabs: Palaeoenvironmental distribution during their early evolution". Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 263 (1–2): 30–43. doi:10.1016/j.palaeo.2008.01.025
Eocarcinus, Platykotta

Rafael Lemaitre & Patsy A. McLaughlin (2009). "Recent advances and conflicts in concepts of anomuran phylogeny (Crustacea: Malacostraca)" (PDF). Arthropod Systematics & Phylogeny 67 (2): 119–135. pdf

Ferran Palero, Keith A. Crandall, Pere Abelló, Enrique Macpherson & Marta Pascual (2009). "Phylogenetic relationships between spiny, slipper and coral lobsters (Crustacea, Decapoda, Achelata)". Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 50 (1): 152–162. DOI:10.1016/j.ympev.2008.10.003. PMID 18957325.

Porter, M. L., M. Pérez-Losada, and K. A. Crandall. 2005. Model-based multi-locus estimation of decapod phylogeny and divergence times. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 37(2):355-369.
Anomura, Decapoda - Phylogeny, Hippoidea,

Schram, F.R. (2009) On the origin of Decapoda. In: Martin, J.W., K.A. Crandall, and D.L. Felder (eds.) Decapod Crustacean Phylogenetics. Crustacean Issues. Koenemann, S. (series ed.) Vol. 18. Boca Raton, London, New York: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group. Pp. 3–13. pdf

Frederick R. Schram and Christopher J. Dixon, 2004, Decapod phylogeny: addition of fossil evidence to a robust morphological cladistic data set. Bulletin of the Mizunami Fossil Museum, no. 31, p. 1-19 pdf

Scholtz, G. & Richter S. 1995. Phylogenetic systematics of the reptantian Decapoda (Crustacea, Malacostraca). Zool. F. Linn. Soc. 113, 289-328. pdf
Decapoda - Phylogeny

Schweigert, G. & Died, G. 1999. Neubeschreibung von "Eryon longipes O. Fraas" (Crustacea, Decapoda, Eryonidea) aus dem Nusplinger Plattenkalk (Ober-Kimmeridgium, Schwabische Alb). Stuttgarier Beitrage zur Naturkunde SerieB (Geologie und Palaontologie) 274: 1-19.

Schweitzer, C.E. & R.M. Feldmann 2000. First notice of the Chirostylidae (Decapoda) in the fossil record and new Tertiary Galatheidae (Decapoda) from the Americas. Bulletin of the Mizunami Fossil Museum 27: 147–165.

Toon, A., M. Finley, J. Staples & K.A. Crandall 2009. Decapod phylogenetics and molecular evolution. Pp. 348–359 in: J.W. Martin, D.L. Felder & K.A. Crandall (eds.), Decapod Crustacean Phylogenetics (Crustacean Issues 18). – CRC Press, Bocan Raton, FL.
Decapoda - Phylogeny

Tsang, L.M., K.Y. MA, S.T. Ahyong, T.-Y. Chan & K.H. Chu 2008. Phylogeny of Decapoda using two nuclear protein-coding genes: Origin and evolution of the Reptantia. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 48: 359–368.
Decapoda - Phylogeny, Hippoidea,

William Twenhofel and Robert R. Shrock 1935, Invertebrate Paleontology, McGraw Hill Book Co. New York & London, posted at the Internet Archive as public domain.

K. A. von Zittel, & Eastman C. R. Text Book of Paleontology edited by C. R. Eastman adapted from German of K. A. von Zittel, 2nd edition revised and enlarged by the editor in collaboration with the following named specialists: R.S. Bassler, W. H. Dall, C. D. Walcott. Volume 1. MacMillan & Co., London. xii + 839 pp. Internet Archive

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